Tezca has arrived in New Buffalo! We could hardly contain ourselves when the package arrived just before the end of our school day. We were taking a Social Studies test on the USA's 50 states when the box was delivered. Of course, we immediately stopped what we were doing and focused all of our attention on welcoming our new friend. You should have heard all the "oooooohs" and "aaaaaahhhs" as each new thing was removed from the box!
We loved, Loved, LOVED the gifts. Thank you very much! Each student selected a favorite to keep forever.

This weekend, we celebrate
Halloween, and Tezca is lucky enough to join in the fun. This holiday traditionally happens on October 31st every year, but here in New Buffalo students go trick-or-treating on the Sunday before the official holiday. Trick-or-treating is when children go to houses in their neighborhood, ring the doorbells, and say, "Trick or Treat!" If the people in the house don't give the children candy, then the kids may play a trick on them (but no one ever does - it's all about the candy, really). Other nearby towns celebrate Halloween on the actual day; as a matter of fact, we'll have our school Halloween parade and party on the 31st and Tezca will be a part of that, too.
That's good luck!
ReplyDeleteWhy do you go trick-or-treating on the Sunday before Halloween?
I can't wait to see all of you trick-or-treating with Tezca
Our town makes a big deal out of Halloween; there's a parade that includes fire trucks, police cars, a marching band, and a costume contest. Because so many in the town are involved, they've just decided to choose a weekend day, I suppose. Most towns celebrate on the actual holiday, though. The bonus is that many of us go trick-or-treating in our town on Sunday - and then again in a different town on Halloween. Twice the candy, twice the fun.
ReplyDeleteI took him to one of my Wow Vision Threapy appointments and everybody wondered what he was.
ReplyDeleteWhen I took Tezca home, I almost took him horse back riding at my aunts.
ReplyDeleteSo, Emma, What did they say when you told them what he was?
ReplyDeleteErin, horseback riding would be a completely new experience to Tezca! Did you know there weren't horses in America before Spanish Arrival? So, it was really shocking for the Aztecs to see Spanish conquistadors riding horses and wearing their armours