Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mr Apple en Montpellier

Hola a todos! Hi!
Aquí tenéis algunas imágenes de las actividades de Mr Appel en Montpellier: paseos, amigos, colegio, deporte, juegos,... Se está divirtiendo mucho y nosotros también.

Your Mexican Friends Sing "La Rielera"

On Wednesday November 20th we commemorated the 103rd anniversary of the Mexican Revolution.
Fourth graders in Mexico City sing a typical song from Revolutionary ages.

La Rielera (The Railroad worker)

Christmas Tree lighting with Sushitenmaru and Nameneko Vegi

Last week we had our annual Christmas Tree lighting in the school and Sushitenmaru & Nameneko Vegi were our special guests.

Mexican Friends make Origami

Hi Friends,

As you know, Sushitenmaru and Nameneko Vegi come with a special gift for their hosts in their baggage, Japanese Origami paper!

Your friends in Mexico City made some origami. They learnt it visiting http://en.origami-club.com/

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mr Appel prueba la gastronomía francesa: "la tielle" de Sète.

Mr Appel cenó en casa de Nawal una "tielle" de Sète, una ciudad costera cercana a Montpellier.
La "tielle" es una empanada rellena de calamares, pulpo y sepia mezclados con una salsa de tomate un poquito picante.
Bon appétit! Buen provecho!

Friday, November 15, 2013

La llegada de Mr Apple a Montpellier (Francia) / Mr Apple arrives in Montpellier (France)

Hola amigos! Hi everyone!

Mr Apple ya está en Francia. Esta mañana le hemos conocido por fin en la clase de español!. Todos estábamos muy nerviosos e impacientes. 
Nos ha encantado su color rojo y su bolso. Genial!

Dentro de la caja hemos descubierto las cosas que acompañan en el viaje a Mr Apple: un patín para el hockey sobre hielo; una camiseta de un equipo de béisbol, una gorra, cromos de pokemon. 

También teníamos una sorpresa: unas pulseras de muchos colores para nosotros!!!! GRACIAS!

Mr Apple va a pasar el fin de semana en casa de Bilal. Seguro que se lo va a pasar muy bien. Nos lo contará el lunes.

Hemos hecho un video con el señor Hesse, nuestro profesor de tecnología. Podréis verlo pronto.

Mr Apple has already arrived in France. We finally met him this morning during our Spanish class!

We all were very impatient and nervous.

We loved his red color and his luggage. Cool!

We’ve discovered Mr Apple travel things into his box: an ice hockey skate, a NY baseball team shirt, a cap, Pokemon trading cards.

We also found a surprise: colored bracelet to us!!!! THANKS!

Mr Apple will spend the weekend at Bilal’s home. We’re pretty sure he will have a great time. He will tell us himself next Monday.

We’ve made a video with Mr. Hesse, our Tech teacher. You’ll see it soon.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tezca and Bucky Make News!

Our Mascots Around the World project has made the local newspaper, The New Buffalo Times, here in New Buffalo, Michigan. Read the full article by clicking here.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day of the Dead with Sushitenmaru & Nameneko Vegi

On Day of the Dead weekend Sushitenmaru visited a cemetery.

And Nameneko Vegi visited the Central University City Campus of the UNAM where university students set sculptures and offerings in honor of the 50th anniversary of the death of the Spanish-Mexican surrealist painter Remedios Varo.