Monday, January 13, 2014

Namenekovegi and Sushitenmaru Have Holiday Fun in the USA

Namenekovegi and Sushitenmaru met Tezca!
Namenekovegi and Sushitenmaru arrived in the US just before our winter vacation was set to take place. It's a good thing, too; they had time to join us for our annual Holiday Party, which included fun games and great food. We played a game called Doubles, in which students took turns rolling two dice. When someone got the same number on each die, they had to quickly grab a mascot and put on a scarf and gloves and then go to work unwrapping a present - a challenge while wearing gloves! The student who got through the final layer of wrapping paper and had his or her hand on the gift inside the box won the gift. It was loud and frantic and lots and lots of fun!

Christmastime in Michigan
Namenekovegi and Sushitenmaru then spent vacation time (2 1/2 weeks) with Ms. Wilson celebrating Christmas and New Year's Eve and trying to stay warm... Did you hear about the Polar Vortex that descended upon us, plummeting temperatures to -40F? It was very, very, VERY cold! Brrrrrr! As I type, temperatures have risen to a more reasonable 43F and it feels positively tropical outside.

We hope to take our new friends skiing, snowmobiling, and tubing in the coming weeks. Check back for photos of these adventures.

1 comentarios:

  1. Hello, friends! Namanekonegi and Sushitenmaru look so fun with you.
